Friday, December 17, 2010

Just be Quiet! | Chickasha, Oklahoma Family Photographer

I recently had a family shoot with a co-worker and good friend of mine, Summer. We had a blast, although it was FREEZING outside; but they (and my hubby) were great sports!

Here are just a few from the gazillion we took that day....

I'm noticing lately that for some reason when I upload my photos from my computer to my blog they lose a little integrity and color....I'm going to have to do a little investigating!

- Jessica

Monday, December 6, 2010

Tooty's Christmas | Chickasha, Oklahoma Child Photographer

Yesterday morning I got to do "Tooty's" second annual Christmas/Fall photos...It's taken us a while to find a break in each other's schedule to even make this happen! =)
"Tooty" is little Makayla, she's such a little Diva! But when she's done taking photos, she means it.... Kendra and I both know this so we always try to work quickly and bribe her with cakes and cookies. We always manage to get some adorable shots of the beautiful little girl.

I love when it comes time to do Makayla's Christmas/Birthday/Halloween/whatever other occasion we can use as an excuse photos. This means I get to practice studio portraits! Although I still don't have the equipment I LOOONG to have I can still rig something up and be fairly successful ;o)

Please ignore the disgusting orange logos they have on their shirts ;o) haha.

The Beautiful 'B" Family | Chickasha, Oklahoma Family Photographer

A couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to photograph Daniel and her stunning family. You could just see how much in love the two of them were and their kids were just adorable! I can only hope that I get the opportunity to photograph their family as they grow and create an even stronger bond with one another.

Please enjoy a little sneak peek!

-Jessica =)