Friday, February 25, 2011

Scottie&Aj Part 2! | Chickasha, Oklahoma Couple Photographer

Happy Friday Everyone!!!

So I heard some news today...if you haven't already read the previous post about Scottie and Aj do so now before continuing any further...........okay, so now that you've read it (lol!) you already know that Aj s in the military and they are the most perfect couple I've EVER met, also that Aj was on leave when we took these photos; welllllll, I heard some news yesterday! BRACE YOURSELVES! He might get to come home SUPER early, like mid-April early! We all know how the military works though and that could change at any minute so what I ask is that you all keep both Scottie and Aj and all of their family in prayers that he comes home safe and they don't play around with the date. :).

 Scottie I'm looking forward to next weekend! :)

- Jessica =)


  1. These are just as fabulous as the last! You caught Aj and I as a couple perfectly Jessica. I can't thank you enough! Can't wait for next weekend either!!

  2. These are all so sweet! Made me smile! Praying he gets to come home when planned!

  3. I love these!

  4. ...And the award goes to the Kelly family for Most In Love Couple ever.

    Great photography!
