Thursday, August 26, 2010

"I think I hear the rattles!" - Lawton, Oklahoma Senior Photographer

In the process of editing the amazing Kate's senior potraits and thought I'd post a fun one :o)
It was a pretty windy day but I'll take wind and 80 degree weather or 104 degrees any day!

The Aitoro Family - Lawton, Oklahoma Family Photographer

I had a quick last minute session with the wonderful Aitoro family last week.
They were just a blast to be around. Tasha knew exactly what she wanted which always makes it easy for me ;o). Here is a quick peek.....

- Jessica =)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Now That's a Ton of Pink! - Lawton, Oklahoma Family Photographer

Posting a super quick blog for the amazing Lim family!!!
So were so fun to work with, and there are a TON of frames to choose from.

I don't know if I've ever seen a couple so in love as they are with each other after 21 years :o)
I'll be sure to post more in the coming days!

- Jessica =)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Blue Eyed Boys - Chickasha, Oklahoma Child Photographer

I got to work with an old friend who I use to go to church with the other day. I think it had been probably 6 years or so since I've seen her or her family. She has some beautiful children and I was so happy to photograph her gorgeous boys, Drew, Jase and Kade. They were all SOOO cooperative and photogenic! 

As you can tell we had a blast; enjoy a little sneak peek....

- Jessica =)

Fishes, Fishes, Fishes?! - Lawton, Oklahoma Child Photographer

A while ago I had the amazing pleasure of working with little Wyatt and his awesome mom!
He was just so engrossed with all the water and "fishes" that were surrounding him, he made it a little tough ;o). He was such a great sport though! Here's a little peek into our shoot....

-Jessica =)

A Few More - Lawton, Oklahoma Wedding Photographer

I'm still in the process of going through all of
the photos from the last wedding I shot and weeding them out.
I'm almost done! Hooray! I figured I'd celebrate with a few more from that wonderful day...

-Jessica =)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Can we swing now? - Chickasha, Oklahoma Maternity Photographer

This weekend I had a shoot with Jenifer, her baby bump and her beautiful family!
We got up at the crack of dawn for these and I would say it was well worth it! The lighting was just GORGEOUS on her already glowing skin.

Their little boy is just so cool! He was great at taking pictures as long as he knew he was going to be able to swing afterwards!

Really I can't help but go overboard on their sneak peek....

-Jessica =)

More Seniors!

Last week I had the pleasure of working with Kristin and A.J. capturing they're senior portraits.
Kristin is the sister of the bride I have pictured in a few blogs ago ;o)
I just love their family! They're absolutely wonderful! I can't wait to work more with them...

I hope you guys like these! I have tons more to go through :o)
You two make an adorable couple!

-Jessica =)

They Grow up so Fast!

Now this is still really hard to believe but my baby cousin, Samantha, is a Senior this year!
It's insane, I use to babysit her and her younger brother when I was 16... It's crazy the way that works, she is still just a little girl in my book ;o)

Love you Sam! Hope you enjoy a little sneak peek!

-Jessica =)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The "S" Family! - Chickasha, Oklahoma Family Photographer

I had the pleasure of shooting the "S" family last weekend :o)
They are a family of 10; all very close to one another. I really admire that, not everyone
is blessed in the way that they are.

This is one of the largest family shoots I have done yet. It had it's challenges
that's for sure but I had a blast. They were all so patient with me as I moved
everyone around over and over ;o).

Thanks for choosing me Nicki to do your amazing family's shoot! It was wonderful working with you guys, I hope to do it again soon!

I hope you enjoy this little sneak peek!

- Jessica =)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Babies Part 2!

I blogged several days ago about baby Taylor and MacKayla and their recent shoot. Unfortunately we had to reshoot for "technical difficulties". The babies were of course just gorgeous and sweet but the rest of us were drenched in sweat in 107 degree weather! I would say it was definitely worth it ;o)

Here a little teaser....

I thought this one was adorable of Mom and MacKayla....

We had a blast! I can't wait for MacKayla to start sitting up so we can shoot some more! She's got to be the happiest baby I have EVER seen... We've been through 3 extremely HOT shoots and I've seen her cry ONCE and it was only for a few seconds. Whitney you are BLESSED! :o)

-Jessica =)

Friday, August 6, 2010

"Which dimples do I show you? The one on my booty or the one on my cheek??" - Lawton, Oklahoma Family Photographer

I had the please of spending come time with Katherine and her family.
Baby Carson is just a doll! He's got the cutest little dimples!
(The quote in the title is that of an aunt that was behind the scenes at the shoot :o)
He's just a happy, beautiful, 15 week old baby boy.
Here's some for mom! I know she's got to be dying to see some :o)

Mom and dad were pretty hesitant on taking pictures without their precious little boy ;o)
They're just a beautiful couple!

Momma's boy already?

Does it get any cuter than a 15 week old in a tux?!

-Jessica :o)