Friday, September 16, 2011

It's a Girl!!!!!

So it looks like my little business blog is slowly turning into a family blog - guess priorities are changing! :)

We had our first ultrasound this last Monday and I have to tell you it made all the morning sickness and pains COMPLETELY worth it. She was an active little peanut - doing little somersaults all over the place (I can probably blame it on the cupcake I hate before hand). They measured all her organs, her spine, etc and everything was up to par. She's a healthy little girl with all her little fingers and toes. I don't know if Dylan and I have ever been this happy in our lives. So much is changing but I'm so glad it is!

I do have to admit that I was so ready to find out if she was a boy or a girl but as soon as I saw her I really didn't care if we'd be able to tell or not. I was kind of taken by surprise when she said it was a girl (I really thought she'd be a boy!) - now we have a whole new set of problems to look forward to....BOYS....ugh.

Meet little "Peanut" - sorry we don't have a name for her yet!

- Jessica =)