Saturday, February 26, 2011

Baby M | Chickasha, Oklahoma Childrens Photographer

Last weekend a friend of mine, Whitney- who I've known since I was about 6 years old, came over with her baby girl, Baby "M", and her mom, Jeri, to practice with some of my new studio equipment (no, I am sorry this does not mean I am offering studio sessions to the public :( ).

I haven't photographed Miss "M" since she was about 4 months old, here she is 11 months old and still has the same awesome attitude! She's such a beautiful baby, I can't wait to see her again!

And yes, her eyes really are that blue....I did not touch them up at all. :)


- Jessica =)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Scottie&Aj Part 2! | Chickasha, Oklahoma Couple Photographer

Happy Friday Everyone!!!

So I heard some news today...if you haven't already read the previous post about Scottie and Aj do so now before continuing any further...........okay, so now that you've read it (lol!) you already know that Aj s in the military and they are the most perfect couple I've EVER met, also that Aj was on leave when we took these photos; welllllll, I heard some news yesterday! BRACE YOURSELVES! He might get to come home SUPER early, like mid-April early! We all know how the military works though and that could change at any minute so what I ask is that you all keep both Scottie and Aj and all of their family in prayers that he comes home safe and they don't play around with the date. :).

 Scottie I'm looking forward to next weekend! :)

- Jessica =)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Plan......what plan?! | Introducing Baby Lennon......

I received a call last Friday from my sister in law, Tabitha, asking if I could do her maternity photos that weekend.....But since my brother, Cory, was paintballing on Saturday and I had Dylan's birthday dinner on Sunday we decided to do it the next weekend; after all Lennon was "scheduled" to come into this world via c-section on February 23rd.

Well apparently plans changed.... :) Instead of doing maternity pictures this weekend I imagine I will be photographing baby Lennon's newborn photo instead.

Anyone that's close to me knows how excited I've been about my niece coming into the world.... I've been grinning from ear to ear since yesterday morning.

 Lennon is Cory and Tabitha's miracle baby.... enough said.

Meet Cory - one awesome daddy.

Cory and Tabitha before they went into surgery. She's going to kill me for putting this up but I think she looks absolutely stunning. :)

Being wheeled in! We will have a baby soon!!!

Their oldest, Gibson. Every time I get the camera out he normally hides his face....this was a rare smile that I got from my adorable nephew! :) There were 3 of these but I didn't want to overload you too bad ;) lol!
He was soooo excited about his sister coming!!

Finally!!! We have a baby!!!

Meet Lennon Rae Moon, born on February 15th 2011 at 5lbs 15oz and 17" long. She's so beautiful....

Please ignore that glare....All these were shot through the nursery window.
She's already got him wrapped around her finger!!!

Up close....ball me biased but she's just gorgeous!

Daddy got to bond with her while mommy was in recovery....

Gibson wanted so bad to see his new baby sister....notice the hand on the window.

Look at that eye! I was so excited lol....I can't wait for her first photoshoot!!

Picture time!
I love her face in this one!

Anything that made his baby girl uncomfortable made him could always see the concerned looks on his face!

Congratulations to Cory and Tabitha! They've been through so much trying to get her into this world! She is so beautiful....maybe she'll like the camera a little better than Gibson; maybe even be my personal model?!

I love being an Auntie :).

- Jessica =D

Friday, February 4, 2011

Snoklahoma? | Chickasha, OK Snow Storm

We were snowed in Tuesday and Wednesday and FINAAAALLLLY was able to break out of the snow drifts on our little country bumpkin roads (thank the Lord for farmers!!!). Unfortunatley they didn't clear all of the road and we still have to drive through fields to make it to our house.  I really thought we were going to lose it....well my husband really because I'm a complete homebody as it is! :) I don't think I've ever been as happy to be at work as I was yesterday!

Wednesday I managed to capture a photo as we drove around.....well mainly got stuck lol! Please ignore the poor quality - this was taken with my cell phone!
These drifts don't compare to what was up ahead, it was just still blocked off....
Thank goodness for Jeeps! My little ol' Envoy is still stuck in my drive way!

- Jessica =)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's a Beautiful Life | Chickasha, OK Couples Photographer

Scottie and I had been emailing back and fourth for a while talking about photographing her and her husband when he came home for R&R. Yes, Aj is in the military and I don't think I can thank him enough for serving our country. I was so excited to photograph the 2 of them just a few days after he came home. After meeting them I knew we all clicked right away! When Aj realized that I wasn't going to ask him to look directly into the camera and say cheese he relaxed quite quickly. There is no denying the two of them are so deeply in love... I have to admit I went a little trigger happy during their shoot!

Scottie and Aj, I was so happy to meet the two of you and really get to know you as a couple! You are not clients, you are friends :). Please enjoy your sneak peek!

This is definitely one of my favorites!!

Meet Blitz - an energetic, crazy, fun and very obedient puppy...not to mention their BABY! :)

EEERRRRG! I dont' think we need to ask who she's rooting for in the the big game! :)

They had such genuine smile through the whole shoot.... For every one photo I had one of them laughing their booties off! I will have to share those.... :)

Beautiful Family! :)

- Jessica =)