Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Plan......what plan?! | Introducing Baby Lennon......

I received a call last Friday from my sister in law, Tabitha, asking if I could do her maternity photos that weekend.....But since my brother, Cory, was paintballing on Saturday and I had Dylan's birthday dinner on Sunday we decided to do it the next weekend; after all Lennon was "scheduled" to come into this world via c-section on February 23rd.

Well apparently plans changed.... :) Instead of doing maternity pictures this weekend I imagine I will be photographing baby Lennon's newborn photo instead.

Anyone that's close to me knows how excited I've been about my niece coming into the world.... I've been grinning from ear to ear since yesterday morning.

 Lennon is Cory and Tabitha's miracle baby.... enough said.

Meet Cory - one awesome daddy.

Cory and Tabitha before they went into surgery. She's going to kill me for putting this up but I think she looks absolutely stunning. :)

Being wheeled in! We will have a baby soon!!!

Their oldest, Gibson. Every time I get the camera out he normally hides his face....this was a rare smile that I got from my adorable nephew! :) There were 3 of these but I didn't want to overload you too bad ;) lol!
He was soooo excited about his sister coming!!

Finally!!! We have a baby!!!

Meet Lennon Rae Moon, born on February 15th 2011 at 5lbs 15oz and 17" long. She's so beautiful....

Please ignore that glare....All these were shot through the nursery window.
She's already got him wrapped around her finger!!!

Up close....ball me biased but she's just gorgeous!

Daddy got to bond with her while mommy was in recovery....

Gibson wanted so bad to see his new baby sister....notice the hand on the window.

Look at that eye! I was so excited lol....I can't wait for her first photoshoot!!

Picture time!
I love her face in this one!

Anything that made his baby girl uncomfortable made him could always see the concerned looks on his face!

Congratulations to Cory and Tabitha! They've been through so much trying to get her into this world! She is so beautiful....maybe she'll like the camera a little better than Gibson; maybe even be my personal model?!

I love being an Auntie :).

- Jessica =D


  1. AWWW, Congratulations!!! These are so precious!

  2. Congratulations Jessica!! These photos are beautiful!

  3. These pictures are priceless Jes! You did such a great job. Congrats on being an aunt! It's such a great feeling! :)

  4. Haven't checked your blog in awhile..glad I did! Congrats on your new niece!!! She is beautiful!

  5. She is gorgeous! And Im not sure how you managed to narrow down to these from the 300 you took at the hospital!

  6. Thanks Kayla! Im actually still working on the others lol! It meant a lot to me that you came up as well! Girls night SOON!
