Friday, February 4, 2011

Snoklahoma? | Chickasha, OK Snow Storm

We were snowed in Tuesday and Wednesday and FINAAAALLLLY was able to break out of the snow drifts on our little country bumpkin roads (thank the Lord for farmers!!!). Unfortunatley they didn't clear all of the road and we still have to drive through fields to make it to our house.  I really thought we were going to lose it....well my husband really because I'm a complete homebody as it is! :) I don't think I've ever been as happy to be at work as I was yesterday!

Wednesday I managed to capture a photo as we drove around.....well mainly got stuck lol! Please ignore the poor quality - this was taken with my cell phone!
These drifts don't compare to what was up ahead, it was just still blocked off....
Thank goodness for Jeeps! My little ol' Envoy is still stuck in my drive way!

- Jessica =)


  1. Wow!!! That is extreme!!! I don't think we got near that much out here....of course I can't be for sure because the last time Chantry let me leave the house was last Sunday!

  2. Crazy!! We didn't get nearly that here!

  3. LOL! Crazy huh?
    At least this most recent storm didn't shut me in too bad ;)
