Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It's Tooty Again! | Chickasha, Oklahoma Childrens Photographer

It's that time of year again, Tooty's birthday!!!
Makayla and her mommy came to visit me for her yearly birthday pictures. I haven't photographed her since Christmas and I tell you that's WAAAAY too long! I love this child but sadly she loves my husband more than me! haha. Anytime she comes over to our house she has to double check with her mommy first that Dylan will be there ;).

We had so much fun with the John Deere theme! Of course she was so antsy to get finished so Dylan could take her for a ride! These are just a couple from the session. Enjoy!

Of course we had to sneak one in with her pretty Easter dress!

- Jessica =)


  1. Love 'em!!! You've been a busy gal! You're making me look like a blog slacker! lol

  2. Love these! That second shot is gorgeous.

  3. That 2nd shot is a real winner :)

  4. Love love love them!

  5. Thanks guys so much! She's a very easy subject!
