Wednesday, April 20, 2011

New Year | New Me (Updated)

Well it has been a while since I posted a blog about life; so I thought I would bore all of you with one today! :)

Back in January I created a post call New Year | New Me.....In this post I explained my struggle with my weight. My New Years resolution has been to lost at least 40lbs and I am happy to announce that I'm over half way to my goal. I've lost 22.2 lbs so far! Although I did stop using because I realized that actually tracking my food the old fashion way by writing it down made me more aware of what I was putting into my body than letting the computer do it for me.

I've had so much encouragement from friends and family it's unreal!
My husband, Dylan, has been so understanding from the start. He helps and encourages me any way he can.
I'm not doing this alone - Summer, a friend and co-worker, is doing Weight Watchers so I'm happy that I don't have the temptations at work that I would normally have. Scottie, a friend of mine, is a personal trainer out of Lawton and is FULL of so much awesome information. She's been there since day 1 and always answers any questions I may have - you can view her blog here (I really wished that I could have trained with her but it's an hour drive :( ).

I was stuck for about 3 weeks with a weight gain of 2-3lbs and I decided I needed a personal trainer to kick me in the butt and get me back on track. I started seeing Shelly Barrington here in Chickasha.....She works out of Electric Beach and she rocks! It's always been hard for me to find a fitness trainer that I can really mesh with. I can relate to her on a lot of levels and she just really pushes me. My amazing sister-in-law, Tabitha, goes with me twice a week (I NEED her there with me haha). It's really a lot of fun but I feel like falling over at the end of each session. Shelly has encouraged us to do at least 30 minutes of cardio on the days we don't train but still take 2 days off a week. I worked out 8 times in 6 days last week! I felt so good by the end of the week except for the soreness of course haha. I lost 3.2 lbs last week and am hopefully going strong this week.

I don't look at any of this as a diet, in fact if you look up "diet" in Websters dictionary the definition is "food and drink regularly provided or consumed" (thank you Shelly for this info), if you look at it this way everyone is on a diet! You can't do these "fad" diets they have for a couple months, lose some weight then go back to the way you use to eat and keep it off. Are you going to cut out carbs for the rest of your life? If your like me the answer is HECK NO! So I still have my carbs, but in moderation. You will never succeed if you don't change your lifestyle. I am finally coming to realize that thanks to Scottie and Shelly. :)

If you made it this far I am really surprised! Thanks for reading!

- Jessica =)


  1. You're doing awesome!!! You're an inspiration, keep up the great work! :-)

  2. Amazing post Jessica. I am so proud of you. You really are doing amazing. Keep it up! You are a positive encouragement and inspiration to those struggling with weight and living a healthy style. Big WOOT WOOT to you! :)

  3. Thanks Amanda! You're doing awesome yourself! Keep up with the kettlebells =).

    Thanks Scottie! I didn't work out yesterday and just felt like a complete BLOB again. I am going running at lunch today plus training tonight so it's going to be a great day! haha It's definitely a lot of hard work but it'll be worth it in the long run!

  4. PS: Way to kick that plateau right in the @**! :)
