Saturday, July 30, 2011

Tim and Laura | Chickasha, Oklahoma Couples Photographer

Recently a good friend of mine contacted me to let me know she and her family would be visiting from Ft. Hood. I was so excited to hear this - the last time I saw Laura and the kiddos was when I photographed her maternity photos! I guess it had been nearly a year?!

They invited me to the family farm in Elgin. It was such a blast! I got to photograph Tim and Laura and some of and with Tim's parents as well.

Laura please enjoy your sneak peek! It was so good to see you guys. :)

Aren't they such a gorgeous couple??

I LOVE the genuine smiles here! I think Time was teasing his mom here...hehe ;)

Piercing blue eyes!

- Jessica =)

1 comment:

  1. You have been a busy gal!!!! I love 'em! The 3rd one's my fav!!! :)
