Friday, October 22, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

It's kind of bitter/sweet.... I love birthdays, don't get me wrong :o), but I look back on this past year and what have I done? I guess it's to be expected when you move a lot like we have. We moved back from Denver just over a year ago and I've had 3 jobs since then and have barely gotten my photography off the ground...we tried starting a family but only failed, was diagnosed with PCOS and I managed to gain over 30lbs...

Things will only be different only if I make it different.

This year...

I vow to.....
-lose 40ish pounds
-be a better wife
-take better care of myself
-take better care of my home
-push myself to learn more about photography
-always put my family first
-find a studio and practice practice practice!


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