Thursday, September 30, 2010

Senior 2011 | Lawton, Oklahoma Senior Photographer

What can I say about Kirsta? I don't think that any one word can describe this girl! She's so fun, energetic and outgoing! Not to mention her family is a hoot too! :oP
We had to reschedule her shoot twice, once for a ridiculous storm that I blogged about a while back and the second time I had to cancel because of my accident (also previously blogged about)! Once the weather decided to stop working against us we (finally) were able to enjoy her shoot.

I had such a blast shooting Kirsta; she definitely kept in interesting....
Here's a little sneak peek!

- Jessica =)

Baby Blues | Chickasha, Oklahoma Child Photographer

I had the pleasure of working with some of my husband's family a couple weeks ago,
photographing his cousin's beautiful little boy.
He was such a sweat heart! Mom could NOT be any further than arm's reach for him. :o)

He was pretty adamant on not having a good time but we managed to get a couple adorable smiles and expressions out of him!

I hope you enjoy these Jamie!

- Jessica =)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Great Give-Away for Photographers

Check out this awesome give away for photographers from Clickin' Moms and Shoot Baby!

"How MANY shirts did you brings?!" | Chickasha, Oklahoma Maternity Photographer

I'm so behind! Ah! Sorry  :o(

A couple weeks ago a great friend of mine, Laura, came down from good ol' Texas.
They stayed a while to visit family and friends and her schedule was packed. Fortunately we were able to make time to photograph her baby bump (oh did I mention she's pregnant!), her two boy and some of her also pregnant sister in law :o). Sadly her hubby is on a tour in the military so we didn't get to see him :o(.

To see more visit Laura's Blog.

- Jessica =)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Mitchell (Senior 2011!) | Lawton, Oklahoma Senior Photographer

Mitchell! What can I say, he's such an amazing guy; even getting up at the crack of dawn doesn't faze him (as long as he gets an omelet afterwards! ;o) ).

- Jessica =)

The Adam's Family (dadadada *snap snap*) | Lawton, Oklahoma Maternity Photographer

I had the please of photographing Stefanie's beautiful baby bump last week. The two of them were such a beautiful couple and so in love. Congrats to the both of you!

- Jessica =)

The 3 Terrors! | Chickasha, Oklahoma Child Photographer

My husband's Aunt Carol and I have been trying to get together to photograph her 3 granddaughters for the past few months. We were finally able to get together Labor day weekend and boy did we have fun!

- Jessica =)

I Hate Driving in the Rain....

Sorry I've been so behind lately, it's been an insane crazy week.
I got in a car accident the other day during all the rain we had.
No I wasn't on my phone and I didn't have my cruise set ;o) I was running about 60 on
the interstate on my long drive home from work and hit a bad spot, hydroplaned and did a few
loopdies before I ended up backwards about a foot away from a barb wire fence. I was very blessed that my SUV didn't roll, someone had their eye out for me that's for sure. I met the nicest man ever, Tom, who sat with me for about an hour until my husband got there , then he helped him pull me out as well; people like Tom are very rare anymore.

Although I'm miserably sore, there were no injuries and no one else was involved, thank the Lord. It just really bothers me how the 5 or 6 cars behind me just watched it  happen and didn't even stop. I guess people are in too much of a hurry these days to care.

Please be careful driving in the rain... Don't push it.
This had the potential to be so much worse.
- Jessica =(

Friday, September 3, 2010

What a Night - Lawton, Oklahoma Landscape Photographer

So last night was very eventful indeed.
Just after my maternity shoot with Stefanie, I was suppose to have another shoot with a Senior named Kirsta... It started to get super windy and dark. I didn't have her phone number (what was I thinking?!) so I just started shooting her tons of emails hoping she would get them and not show up. I waited as long as I could but it was pitch black already and I had to leave for my hour commute back home to Chickasha.

When I left the lightening was literally striking right beside my car.... I wanted SO BAD to stop and take photos but I'm that stupid! ;o) I drove onto the interstate when it starts pouring on me... I get a few miles down the road before I start to be blinded by the rain. I couldn't see the lines in the road and my suv was blowing all over the place! So what do you do? Pull over! Only I was terrified that I was going to get rammed so I booked it and took very high speeds of 15 mph! :o)

It wasn't all disastrous though... I didn't manage to get this shot of the storm before it completely hit.

-Jessica =)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Wheelers - Lawton, Oklahoma Family Photographer

Blogland-Meet the Wheeler Family!
I couldn't have had a better time shooting this incredible family. They are so full of life and love for one another! I can't wait to shoot them again....

-Jessica =)

Ms. Powers (I wonder if she's a fan of Austin?) - Lawton, Oklahoma Senior Photographer

Here's a few more from Kate's shoot!
She's such a character! Her facial expressions are so animated, there's no hiding what she's feeling at any given moment!

-Jessica =)

It's Alway fun Until the Baby Starts Screaming Right? - Lawton, Oklahoma Family Photographer

I had the opportunity to shoot Rebecca and her 2 gorgeous, yet VERY tall Children!
Her little one wasn't quite so happy that I was sticking a camera in his face but it worked out great anyhow! We had a blast :o) Even Melissa and Baby Taylor made an appearance!

-Jessica =)

Styles - Lawton, Oklahoma Senior Photographer

I've been waaaay behind on my posting here lately - I apologize ;o)

A couple weeks ago I got to spend a beautiful morning shooting Styles for his senior portraits.
I don't think he thought it was so beautiful at 6:45am considering he was asleep in his car for about 15 minutes before I could get a hold of him lol! I don't blame him; he still rocked it! ;o)

Here's a few from our shoot....

-Jessica =)