Friday, September 10, 2010

I Hate Driving in the Rain....

Sorry I've been so behind lately, it's been an insane crazy week.
I got in a car accident the other day during all the rain we had.
No I wasn't on my phone and I didn't have my cruise set ;o) I was running about 60 on
the interstate on my long drive home from work and hit a bad spot, hydroplaned and did a few
loopdies before I ended up backwards about a foot away from a barb wire fence. I was very blessed that my SUV didn't roll, someone had their eye out for me that's for sure. I met the nicest man ever, Tom, who sat with me for about an hour until my husband got there , then he helped him pull me out as well; people like Tom are very rare anymore.

Although I'm miserably sore, there were no injuries and no one else was involved, thank the Lord. It just really bothers me how the 5 or 6 cars behind me just watched it  happen and didn't even stop. I guess people are in too much of a hurry these days to care.

Please be careful driving in the rain... Don't push it.
This had the potential to be so much worse.
- Jessica =(

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