Friday, September 3, 2010

What a Night - Lawton, Oklahoma Landscape Photographer

So last night was very eventful indeed.
Just after my maternity shoot with Stefanie, I was suppose to have another shoot with a Senior named Kirsta... It started to get super windy and dark. I didn't have her phone number (what was I thinking?!) so I just started shooting her tons of emails hoping she would get them and not show up. I waited as long as I could but it was pitch black already and I had to leave for my hour commute back home to Chickasha.

When I left the lightening was literally striking right beside my car.... I wanted SO BAD to stop and take photos but I'm that stupid! ;o) I drove onto the interstate when it starts pouring on me... I get a few miles down the road before I start to be blinded by the rain. I couldn't see the lines in the road and my suv was blowing all over the place! So what do you do? Pull over! Only I was terrified that I was going to get rammed so I booked it and took very high speeds of 15 mph! :o)

It wasn't all disastrous though... I didn't manage to get this shot of the storm before it completely hit.

-Jessica =)

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