Wednesday, March 16, 2011

If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away? | Kaylee Dawn Moon

There's a beautiful song by country artist Justin Moore that just came out recentley called If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away. As I drove to work this morning this song came on the radio and I really took the time to listen to every word....It brought tears to my eyes as I remembered each and every person I have lost in my life over the years that I would give anything to see just one more time. I thought about my grandmother, my uncle, 2 aunts and of course my baby sister.

Kaylee Dawn Moon was born on April 18, 1998 with what is called Partial Trisomy 13 (you can read more about it here). This syndrome only occurs in about 1 out of 10,000 newborns; so why her?! That is the question I asked God so many times after she was finally diagnosed, but now I understand that God blessed us for 3 wonderful years with the best child I have and will ever know. She had severe acid reflux and was in constant pain but for most of her life but she hardly ever showed it. Some of her symptoms included: sleep apnea, very slow development, seizures, feeding problems, breathing difficulty and much much more. She blew the doctors away with the things that she could do that of course they said she would never..... She could crawl (her little bear crawl but it got her from point a to b!), she could talk a little bit (she called me Eica), for the most part should could let us know what she wanted one way or another..... She unlocked the hearts to so many people around us and left a life-long impression. I honestly believed she would out live us all!

As her health started to deteriorate, I just couldn't make myself believe that one day I would live without my baby sister, after all I was going to be the one to take her shopping at the mall when she got older and be the typical big sister. As my brother and I packed for Falls Creek in June of 2001 I gave her a kiss goodbye and we got on the bus.....just a couple days later our youth minister let us know she was in the hospital in "critical condition".....I just thought to myself "she's always in the hospital, she'll be okay". My brother and I got into the car and headed soon as we got home my parents were gone which was to be expected but my grandmother was waiting at the door....we asked how Kaylee was doing and she broke down and told us that she had passed away the night before....I didn't know what to do or say and just broke down...I cursed God that he would do this to our family; take away a sister and daughter, how could he do this to us? Haven't we already been through enough? I just couldn't fathom the thought of not having her around anymore. I believe I blocked most of that day and the funeral out as well. I really can't remember much about the next few days and haven't since about a week after it happened. But what I do know if God didn't do it to be cruel....he did it because she was suffering and that's where she needed to be. I am so happy that our family was chosen to care for Kaylee during her very short life, I feel blessed to ever have known her.

Kaylee would be 13 this's crazy to think that she's been gone almost 10 years; that she would be a teenager this year! I can remember her beautiful strawberry blonde, curly hair. And her excitement when I would put her in the empty washer (don't worry I never turned it on hehe!), and how she loved to "honk" my brothers nose. She had a BEAUTIFUL smile that could warm even the coldest heart. I will never forget this child....she may be gone but her memories will never leave me.

I always wish that my husband could have met her..... He would have loved everything about her. It would be amazing if we could just pack up and go on a trip to heaven so he could meet her. I know it's impossible, but I know she's looking down on us and I hope she's proud of who her big sister has become.

Kaylee Dawn Moon
April 18, 1998 - June 27, 2001

Justin Moore – If Heaven Wasn’t So Far Away Lyrics

Every day I drive to work across Flint River bridge
A hundred yards from the spot where me and grandpa fished
There’s a piece of his old fruit stand on the side of Sawmill Road
He’d be there peelin’ peaches if it was twenty years ago
And what I wouldn’t give
To ride around in that old truck with him
If heaven wasn’t so far away
I’d pack up the kids and go for the day
Introduce them to their grandpa
Watch ‘em laugh at the way he talks
I’d find my long lost cousin John
The one we left back in Vietnam
Show him a picture of his daughter now
She’s a doctor and he’d be proud
Then tell him we’d be back in a couple of days
In the rear view mirror we’d all watch ‘em wave
Yeah, and losing them wouldn’t be so hard to take
If heaven wasn’t so far away
I’d hug all three of those girls we lost from the class of ’99
And I’d find my bird dog Bo and take him huntin’ one more time
I’d ask Hank why he took those pills back in ’53
And Janis to sing the second verse of “Me and Bobby McGee”
Sit on a cloud and visit for a while
It’d do me good just to see them smile
If heaven wasn’t so far away
I’d pack up the kids and go for the day
Introduce them to their grandpa
Watch ‘em laugh at the way he talks
I’d find my long lost cousin John
The one we left back in Vietnam
Show him a picture of his daughter now
She’s a doctor and he’d be proud
Then tell him we’d be back in a couple of days
In the rear view mirror we’d all watch ‘em wave
Yeah, and losing them wouldn’t be so hard to take
If heaven wasn’t so far
If heaven wasn’t so far
If heaven wasn’t so far away
So far away
So far away



  1. Ok, I'm bawling now! This is a great post! Very inspirational! And I love love love that song!!!!

  2. Thanks Amanda, it was just weighing heavy on my heart. :) It's crazy what one simple song can make you think about....Have a great day!

  3. This is such a touching post, Jessica. You are such a strong person!
