Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Prepare for a longer than usual post :)

A little background: I met Summer when I started working for Waste Connections and in the year we've known each other I'd call her one of my best friends.

In January (2011) Summer and I began a complete lifestyle change. We decided that neither one of us felt good in our skin and it was about time to do something about it! I started counting calories and eventually seeing a trainer and Summer decided to try Weight Watchers again. Who knew that she would be so dang successful! Since then she's lost 87 lbs and has met her weight loss goal (just in time for her to get engaged! Congrats again!!!). It's seriously insane.... My measly 34 lbs sounds so bad next to her 87 haha!

I really can't tell you how proud I am of her. She built up so much will power in the process. Summer will definitely be my go to girl when I need to lose the baby weight this spring. :)

Since we did Summer's family photos last December and again this November I decided to put together a little before and after. When I was digging through the photos I was so in aw of how much of a difference 87lbs makes!

See for yourself! :)






You see it?! Crazy huh?!

And some more from her most recent family session! We had a blast shooting on the river all camo'd out! I really think that Brad Paisley's new song Camoflage should be their theme song, haha.

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