Thursday, January 6, 2011

Expect Changes | Chickasha, OK Photographer

Expect to see some changes around here in the next couple of months! I'm having issues losing some integrity and color to some of my images when I upload them to this blog so I will be pulling images from previous posts off and trying a new technique. For a photographer this is BAD, it doesn't show the full extent of your talent....we'll see how it goes!
I've made tons of changes to my website over the past couple of months, let me know what you think, I LOVE feedback!

I updated all of my pricing for 2011 so visit the "Investment" page to see more. :)
Currently until spring comes I'm limited to offering only Saturday and Sunday appointments, it's a bit chilly but don't let that stop you, book your appointment today!

I hope everyone is off to a great start to 2011 - I know I am!

- Jessica =)


  1. I have been checking you out here and there, and like before you are great! :) One of these days ill be able to edit like you, lol. By the way, I love your new logo! Have you thought about designing some for people and selling it? Morgan does for $75.00, i cant figure out how to do it, and i need one, lol, still have to fight for time on the computer to practice and learn more, ahhh, life as a mom, trying to be a photographer :) I love it though! I still owe bunches to ya! Thanks!

  2. Hey Girlie! Thanks for the compliments, editing is a great tool but you've got to save yourself some time and get the right shot straight out of camera so you don't have to do much to it :).

    As far as designing logos for others I have thought about it but I don't have the right software to create the vector files as of yet... :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!
