Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year | New Me

I've always had a obsession with food. Ever since I was little I was ALWAYS hungry. If you don't believe me, ask my mom! lol. I had always been pretty thin through high school and then I started dating my now husband, Dylan. He made me feel comfortable in my own skin, which is AWESOME but I let my guard down and ate what I wanted. I've gained and lost so much over the past 6 years it's ridiculous! This past year I've gained around 40lbs due not only to the fact that I ate pretty badly but also health issues. My New Years resolution (like so many others) is to lose every bit of that and keep it off! It's definitely a struggle for me but it feels different this time....I feel so motivated. For the last  week and a half I have been watching what I eat but only slightly; I started my actual calorie diet on the 1st and haven't broken it yet. I'm addicted to Dr. Pepper and I have not had one since and my head is POUNDING!!

I'm using SparkPeople.com to help me with this journey. It's such an amazing site, you can track your calories, find recipes, view other peoples progress, and the list is really endless! Hopefully it'll help keep me on track. I'm so tired of feeling so sluggish all the time; I even tend to lose my breath during a photo shoot and that's SAD! What's crazy is during the 1 week I was only watching my soda intake and a little of what I was eating I was already down 1 lb! This morning I get on the scale and I'm down another! I know 2 lbs isn't a huge deal but it helps motivate me more and more! Losing weight feels so much better than anything tastes! I know I can do this.....

I'm sorry there are no photos in this post....I guess it doesn't really have to do anything with TSP, just personal. =)

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."
-Thomas A. Edison

- Jessica =)


  1. That's wonderful!!! You can do this!! If you have any questions, need encouragement, or start having issues, please don't hesitate to ask me. You go girl! It's great finding out how powerful we really are!! Looking forward to the 29th!!

  2. Hey Thanks! I sure will :)I really appreciate that. I can't wait to the 29th either :)

  3. What an inspiring post. You can do it! You've made the actions for it, now you just have to stick with it.

    Beautiful work btw that sunset photo above is simply AH-MAZING!

  4. Thanks Melissa! I appreciate the motivation :). (BTW your link is dead :( )
