Monday, January 17, 2011

Fuzzy Peaches! | Chickasha, Oklahoma Family Photographer

I'm not the photographer that screams "SAY CHEESE!", I never have been and I never will be....But when the youngest boy in the "J" family yells, "FUZZY PEACHES!" on his own....I just can't resist. Sometimes it just works out :).

I had the honor of shooting the "J" family last weekend while all 18 of them were together for a very special day... their grandmother's birthday. I understand how hard it has to be to get everyone together at once but they did it! They were such an amazing cooperative and well organized (a photographers dream). Unfortunately the light didn't cooperate so well....shooting in direct sunlight is a nightmare for me but we made it work; and might I say I'm very happy with the outcome... :)

Following is a sneak peek of what I have done so far; I still have a ways to go!
I'm sure this won't be the last post of the "J" family - keep your eyes open for a part 2!
Please enjoy!

Above: Aren't they just adorable!

- Jessica =)


  1. These turned out SOOO great Jessica!! Wow!! I love the first image. You can almost feel the connection between all of them! :) GREAT JOB!

  2. Thanks Autumn! I was pretty happy with them :)

  3. They look wonderful!! Did you try uploading them with a different resolution for the color? Cause the images really pop! I'm soo excited! :)

  4. Yea I wasn't resizing them properly for blogger before so it was degrading my photos by a long shot... My website ( always is correct in color but now these are looking a lot better!

  5. Love 'em! I really liked the group one but it's not showing on mine anymore but I really liked the natural interaction with everyone!!! You know I'm gonna have to get with you to do our family pics! I've always done them myself but I don't like being the client and photographer so I'll be getting with you! :)

  6. Thank's Amanda! The group one is my favorite but I removed it by request of one of the family members....apparently right-click protection doesn't work on FireFox :(.

    I would love to photograph your family! Just let me know when and we can get you scheduled in. :) Have a wonderful week!

  7. These are awesome!!! I can't wait to see more!

  8. Gorgeous location! These are beautiful!
