Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Please Keep our Community in Your Prayers | Tornadoes in Chickasha, OK

Tornadoes swept through Central Oklahoma yesterday evening. Unfortunately 5 people were killed and a toddler in Piedmont was swept away and is still missing.

After watching the tornado rip through Chickasha on our front porch (yes I know "you may be a redneck when...") we decided to take a drive through town.... I can't describe the feelings I felt when seeing the destruction in our small town. I just couldn't stop praying for the families who have lost their homes and businesses.

Fortunately our home was far enough away that we were not affected; but we can't say the same for others.

Please keep the people Central Oklahoma prayers......pray that the toddler is returned home safely.

(These photos were NOT taken by me but by family of friends)

Taken by a friends mom sitting at Best Western in Chickasha.

Taken by a friend from her front yard.

- Jessica

Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy Anniversary | 5 Years

Saturday my friend, Amanda (of Crosslight Photography), came over to photograph Dylan and I for our 5 year anniversary. We have NEVER had our photos done professionally. Well we tried at one point but the photographer was a no show and wouldn't answer our phone calls lol! We had so much fun shooting! Dylan was his happiest when it was over...typical man ;).
These pictures really meant a lot to me and Amanda did such an amazing job photographing who we really are!

Let me give you a little back story:

Nearly 10 years ago my oldest brother decided that paintballing might be a sport that he'd be interested in, regardless of the obvious fact that a little hard ball of paint traveling at approximately 300 FPS (Feet Per Second) is probably going to hurt like the dickens, he did it anyway. Boy am I glad he decided to be a little idiotic because that's where he met my future husband! Cory (my brother) started paintballing with Dylan (my hubby) regularly for a few years. I had known Dylan for quite sometime but after all he was my brothers best friend so he was off limits right? ;) I can remember when I first met Dylan's mother (long before Dylan and I ever thought about dating) and she would tell me that I needed to date her son! That we would just be PERFECT for each other....At the time I had a boyfriend so of course I was like NO WAY! haha.

My junior year of highschool came and I was really having a rough patch in my life. Home, boyfriend, name it. Everything just seemed to be going south for me. I started to notice Dylan a little bit more (I imagine he was noticing me too! hehe).....I don't know how or when it started but I think we were chatting online (do people still do this?) and he was going to my brother's college apartment to watch a movie and he invited me along. I decided to go with him and after that we were really inseperable. I found that Dylan was there more for me through everything than anyone else ever had. He understood what I was going through..... It was a really nice feeling. No one had ever treated me the way he did.

February 18th, 2005 we made it official. We were together - as boyfriend and girlfriend. We made it even more permanent by getting engaged February 18th of 2006 and getting married on May 18th 2006 (the day before my high school graduation). We didn't have a huge wedding or even a wedding at all. We decided in the situation that we and our families were in that it would just be best to go to the courthouse.

Yes we have had our ups and downs and loop-de-loops like all couples do but we made it through stronger than ever. I really don't know what I would do without my country boy. He's everything to me.... I know it's corny but it is what it is. He's my husband and my best friend. From the get go he put up with my mood swings and my inability to make decisions ;). He's done everything in his power to make sure we live a good life. We always said we'd wait 5 years after we got married to start a family.....maybe it's time to jump on the baby band wagon!

(All photos were taken by Amanda of Crosslight Photography and edited by me :) )

Amanda I can't thank you enough for these beautiful photos! They mean so much to me!

- Jessica =D

Friday, May 20, 2011

Slam Session | Chickasha, Oklahoma Photographers

So she pretty much says it better than I can..... :)
Read this! (only if you reeeealllly wanna!;) )

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Senior Slam Session

A couple months back my good friend and fellow photographer Amanda of Cross Light Photography asked me if I would be interested in shooting a couple of her seniors really just to have some fun! Well I have to tell you we had such a BLAST! There was no pressure of a time limit, we just took all day and drove all over the place for some awesome locations. Levi and Taylor were just a blast to shoot. I don't think I've ever laughed so much!

Now Slam Sessions are not only for seniors! If you think you would be interested in something like that just get with myself or Amanda!

- Jessica =)

Monday, May 2, 2011

I'll Beat You Up!!! | Chickasha, OK Childrens Photographer

Taylor and my husband are the best of friends. I don't know how he ever lived without her ;). hehe. She's such a fun, sassy little girl! She really brings so much life to our photoshoots!
Well right after our shoot Dylan said something to her and she threatened to beat him up, well of course he egged her on! She ran over there creating some karate moves then doubled up her fist and bloodied his lip. It was pretty hilarious! I'm still laughing about it. hehe :)

Anyway enough with the stories! We had Taylor in the studio to shoot her dance photos. She was so much fun as always and really made the shoot her own.

You can view our previous family session with Taylor here.

Enjoy the sneak peek!!!

Doesn't she have the most beautiful smile!

Love this cheesy grin!

Ms Blue Eyes!

lol!! I had to add this!

- Jessica =)