Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Please Keep our Community in Your Prayers | Tornadoes in Chickasha, OK

Tornadoes swept through Central Oklahoma yesterday evening. Unfortunately 5 people were killed and a toddler in Piedmont was swept away and is still missing.

After watching the tornado rip through Chickasha on our front porch (yes I know "you may be a redneck when...") we decided to take a drive through town.... I can't describe the feelings I felt when seeing the destruction in our small town. I just couldn't stop praying for the families who have lost their homes and businesses.

Fortunately our home was far enough away that we were not affected; but we can't say the same for others.

Please keep the people Central Oklahoma prayers......pray that the toddler is returned home safely.

(These photos were NOT taken by me but by family of friends)

Taken by a friends mom sitting at Best Western in Chickasha.

Taken by a friend from her front yard.

- Jessica


  1. It seems like it was all a bad dream, today I look outside and the sun is shining, the birds are singing but I know the losses that people have suffered and the clean up and heartache that is there today and will be with them in the future.....I'm heartbroken for them all.

  2. I was thinking about you and Dylan when I saw this news. So glad that you guys are ok.
